Real change starts with community.



For the past seven years, I have been honored to serve our community on the American Canyon City Council. I am proud of the results we have been able to deliver to residents, including on traffic relief, economic development, climate action, and of course, pandemic response. The past few years have been tough for our community and country, but I am proud of our ability to come together, persevere though our challenges, and emerge stronger than ever.

Serving on the American Canyon City Council has showed me how important local leadership is. It is through collaborative, dedicated public service that our communities are able to thrive. That is why I’ve decided to run for Napa County Supervisor.

Our County’s brightest days are ahead of us and I look forward to working together to achieve them.

I would be honored to have your vote.
Mariam Aboudamous


I believe that we can improve regional transit and reduce traffic, build more affordable housing, invest in water infrastructure and climate resiliency, and tackle our homelessness crisis. And we can do it by working together towards our common goals.